Children’s Development Center

We work with over 250 children from 6 tribal groups.

Building Dreams is a multi-faceted program that aims to build Christian character among children ages 4 – 16 who come from vulnerable situations.  Our goal is to help them develop their God-given potential and abilities and then use what they have learned to be a light in their community, their country and the world to further the Kingdom of God

Over the next few years, our goal is to train young people to become leaders at the school in order for them to, in turn, lead the next generation of children to follow Christ. Ultimately, these young leaders will also return to their own villages and tribes to share the Gospel and teach skills that they have been taught. By doing this, the Gospel will spread “one by one.

Bible Classes are held for each class one time a week. 

The leadership team is vital for the continuing work of training leaders among the young people. 

Bible Class with the kindergarten students. 

Bible Class for 9th grade students.

Sunday Service

Bible Class for 2nd grade.

Participate by being a Mission Partner

Pray for our projects

We know that the battle is very great, in Ephesians 6:12 it says: for our fight is not against human beings, but against the powers and authorities, against the rulers of this dark world, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly regions. His prayer is very important for our success in battle

Contributing financially

You can join through a donation or for a period of between 6 months and 1 year, contributing to the maintenance of local workers and expansion of projects. Through the Mission Partner.

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